



2024-07-21 22:22:56 来源:网络


men🐵🎀——🦏🪲,英语单词😙🦩|🐔🐄,主要用作名词😟-|🌦😱,作名词时译为“Men)人名🐷-_🌪;日)面(姓)🎉-_🌹🌳;葡)梅恩🌜🤪-😙*;柬)孟”🐖🙂|——🏅。短语搭配🐨-🌹:Repo Men 重生男人; 追讨人; 索命条码; 重生曼波Aimer men 爱慕男士; 爱慕先生; 倾慕男士; 恋慕男士Monuments Men 古迹卫士; 大寻宝家; 古文明救兵; 盟军夺宝队Mystery Me希望你能满意🐫_⚾。
The monuments of men's ancestors were the most impressive exhortations.先辈们的丰碑最能奋勉人心的🐦😰-——🦛🐗。The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief.继承其前辈封地的人须交纳一笔“接替费”🐊🕷|-🌲。


雅各的梯子(Jacob's ladder)典出《旧约.创世纪》第28章10-19节😹-_🐃。雅各出了别是巴**——_🌝🌸,向哈兰走去🦦🦠——|😗🐌。到了一个地方🦑🪢_-🦜🐒,因为太阳落了😩🦤|🐖😨,就在那里住宿😵🙊||🌕🎆,便拾起那地方的一块石头枕在头下🎳🐜——_🐂,在那里躺卧了🕹😤|——🐽♦。他梦见一个梯子立在地上🐞🌵__🐀,梯子的头顶着天🐱_-🎃🍁,有神的使者在梯子上🕸😬--☁️*,上去下来😮-——🌒。耶和华站在梯子以上🦐☄️-😒🐜,说🌞|🐹🥎:..
Approximately, 2.3 million blocks of stone were cut, transported and assembled to create the Great Pyramid. The Pharaohs may have set out to build magnificent tombs for themselves, but in the end they created monuments to human potential. There's a universal message in the pyramids. The pyramid等我继续说😖_🎲😤。
It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything, from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots, men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend, Britain.It has a 是什么🦭⛸|——🦁。
The monuments of noble men are their virtues. Euripides P. 27高尚者的美德是高尚者的纪念碑🦈——|🐗🍀。参照中国诗人北岛的诗句🥎🥎--🌍:高尚是高尚者的墓志铭🌺🤕————🎀,卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证🐣🏏||🌖。精妙的翻译🎉🐲_*:Homer sometimes nods. (English Proverb) P. 3荷马也有打盹的时候😅——🌚。智者千虑🐤🦭-|🦑,必有一失🦋🐘——🪢🥎。孔明大意失荆州🤮_🏸。英国谚语It’s 等会说🐿🍀_-🦆。
couldn't stop laughing.他给我们讲故事时我们不禁都笑个不停🦉——🦏🐏。新概念英语第二册课文注释Lesson93 1.One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to…by the people of France. 世界上最的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是……由法国人民赠送给……的🔮🐺|_🎗。
求在《斯巴达三百勇士》中最后一段 的两段演讲(中英文都想要)感谢...
For he did not wish tribute or song nor monuments,nor poems of war and valor.His wish was simple."Remember us" he said to me.That was his hope.Should any free soul come across that place in all the countless centuries yet to be may all our voices whisper to you from the有帮助请点赞🧐——🦎。
The tourism, I am not only very happy to play, but also learned a lot of knowledge, has been a lot of inspiration: The Chinese Government should increase efforts to protect the monuments. 翻译🦦🐕_-♦:五一劳动来临了🥀|🐁,妈妈打算带我去敦煌玩五天🪰🐝--🦠,我也非常赞同💐_💮。路上🐋😾——🦢🌳,我们经过吐鲁番的时候😅|-👿,看见一排排密密还有呢?